Pray for Ukraine
A FEW WAYS YOU CAN SUPPORT our ministry partners in ukraine through prayer
A picture of our friend Vova taken at last summer’s Family Games ministry in Kamianka, Ukraine.
Pray for safety and energy for Vadym and his team who continue to spend long hours on the road evacuating families from hot spots and collecting supplies.
Pray for our friend Roman and his family, who recently lost their house in Kyiv.
Pray for our many friends who have had to evacuate Ukraine, that God would comfort them and help them adjust to a new situation. Pray specifically for our contacts from Kharkiv and for Nastia and her new baby (see more info in our blog Nastia’s Story.)
Pray for Peter, Vadym’s son, as he focuses on providing food and basic needs to families struggling to provide for themselves (see more info in our blog Peter’s Story.)
Pray for Roma & Kayley, who have left Ukraine and are preparing to have their first child in Germany while they wait for Roma’s US VISA.
Pray for the safety of Kayley & Roma’s family who are staying in Ukraine.
Pray for families who are on the brink of breaking apart or who have already broken apart due to the stress of the war.
Pray for our believing friends in Russia, who are devastated by Putin’s actions and not sure what to do next.
Pray for Vlad and Ira, a young couple who was preparing to marry in June, but now may not be able to legally marry due to army recruitment regulations.
Pray with Others
Below are several prayers written on a groupchat used to receive updates from Vadym and His team as they were evacuating families from hot spots. If you would like to be a part of this groupchat (via telegram), please contact us.
“The LORD is good; a stronghold in the day of trouble. He knows those who trust in Him. (Nahum 1:7) We pray for the evacuation trips & the divine appointments to be encountered.”
“We pray that the evacuation teams feel the Holy Spirit's protective presence all the way to the hot spots and all the way back.”
“We continue to pray for peace, and above all that the Prince of Peace will be known by countless Ukrainian people!”
pray with music
You can start with this song, which was shared on the group chat, to remind you of the situation in Ukraine and help inspire your prayers.
Pray for Revival
Below is a picture and a message our CDK director, Jenni, sent to the Ukraine group chat.
I bought this piece of art in Kyiv a few years ago. I was really drawn to it. I asked the meaning behind it and it was all about new birth. A caterpillar. A butterfly. A cocoon. A tree representing growth and life. The whole thing is the shape of an egg. I brought it home and set it next to the prayer wall in my office to remind me to pray for revival in Ukraine. Now when I look at it I am thinking about the verses in Isaiah 61:3 and asking God to make something beautiful from the ashes of this immense tragedy. To give you, our great friends, a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. God has done this in the midst of our recent personal tragedy. We are confident He will answer this prayer in the middle of yours! I am already praising God for the “new birth” for Ukraine in the works!