We value prayer. We depend on God to help, guide, and provide for every aspect of what we do. You can join us in prayer in the following ways:

Pray along with us for the following requests

We receive requests from our international partners - projects that empower them to help meet the most basic needs of kids. These are put on the prayer list until God raises up the resources to meet the need - whether through Can Do Kids International or in another way.


KENYA - The second round of school fees is due in May. We are expecting the total to be around $5,000.
KENYA - We are asking God for $3,000 to purchase Bibles for schools that will be visited in June (300 Bibles @ $10 per Bible).
KENYA - Two of our sponsored families are in need of solar panels to generate electricity. The cost is $450 for each family.
KENYA - Our team was approached by a community who alerted them to a family in critical need. There are 10 in the household, 8 of whom are children. The children are malnourished and struggling and living in one small room with a dirt floor. Our CDK Kenya team is praying for $12,000 to build and furnish a house that will assist this family in getting back on their feet.
KENYA - Our June team will be hosting a Day Camp for the kids of Koimbi orphanage. We are asking God to provide $1,000 to cover transportation, food, and supplies for a day of camp for around 50 kids ($20 per kid).
KENYA - Our June team will be hosting a Day Camp for seniors in high school at Rapids Camp in Sagana. We will be sharing encouragement and testimonies, enjoying outdoor activities and eating with these students. We are asking God to provide $1,000 to cover the expenses for around 50 - 60 students.

PHILIPPINES - CDK Club support which provides management and a regular feeding program for our Can Do Kids - $3,000 for April 2025 - June 2025
PHILIPPINES - Basketball Court for Youth Ministry at Open Door Baptist Camp - $8,000
PHILIPPINES - Strengthen the foundation near the church and CDK building - $1,500

MALAWI - CDK feeding program - $3,000 for April 2025 - June 2025
MALAWI - CDK staff visit - We have the opportunity to go to Malawi to meet the staff and visit the CDK Club outreaches at the end of June after our time in Kenya. This was not budgeted but will cost $3,000 for 3 of us to travel there. We are asking God to provide what is needed if it is important for us to go to Malawi at this time.
MALAWI - A water project that will be located on church grounds but will serve an entire community - $6,245.

UKRAINE - Common Grounds Community Center - $168,970 (This is a large project that will be completed in phases over the next few years.)

Check out the “Answers” page, where requests from this list move to once answered.


KENYA - School Water Projects - $15,300 (we have a waiting list)
We are asking God to provide funding for at least 6 more by July 2025.
KENYA - Student Sponsorship Project - $35/month (we have a waiting list)
KENYA - Bibles for Schools Project - $1,000/school (we have a big waiting list)

Please contact us if you would like more information about these needs. If you feel led to give you can use the button below to contribute online.