Helping Refugees: Vadym Update
A picture of Vadym and teens, Andre & Maxim helping prepare the church to host refugees.
About a decade ago, we first came into contact with Vadym Kulynchenko. Starting with a few small conversations, we had no idea that our partnership would bring us to where we are today. Since meeting him, we have lead multiple trips to Ukraine, worked on a variety of ministry projects together (both at home and abroad), and hosted not only him but his family and other Ukrainians as they’ve visited our town in the U.S. It has been a blessing for us to learn from each other over the past decade or so.
This year, however, has been the most challenging yet for Vadym and his ministry partners in Ukraine. Below are a few of the latest updates from their ministry. To see how you can pray for Vadym and the team in Ukraine, check out our recent blog post “Praying for Ukraine.”
Above is their latest video from a recent evacuation trip. You can see more videos from Vadym’s team by subscribing to “Our Legacy” on YouTube.
“It’s been a blessing to serve others”
Vadym has spent most of the past month leading evacuation trips, which continue to be dangerous. Not long after evacuating refugees from Kramatorsk , it was bombed by Russian rockets. According to Vadym, 39 people died, with 4 of them being children. At least a hundred were wounded. This happened at a train station full of people trying to evacuate.
Vadym’s bed for the night as he and his team were in transit helping to evacuate other Ukrainians.
More Updates
Vadym and his team spend time on trips to pick up humanitarian aide and refill their church’s distribution center.
Light of the Gospel Church (Vadym’s church) donated a 9 passenger vehicle to a team in Ivano Frankivsk.
The church hosts refugees and supplies families with food.
Teams continue to gather together to pray for Ukraine and the large task before them of serving others in this time.
For ideas on how to pray for Vadym, his team and the situation in Ukraine, see our “Pray for Ukraine” blog post.