Celebrate God’s answers with us!
We just started the prayer/answer pages of our website in the summer of 2024. There are so many answers to prayers over the years that we could never write them all down but here we go for the record! Thanks to the many who have been a part of God’s work through CDK.
January 2025
KENYA - We were able to sponsor every one of our students and meet one time requests for several more so they could get back into school.
KENYA - We had enough given at the end of the year to purchase 300 Bibles that will be given out in February.
KENYA - A family of 6 with a disabled mother has received a new home. We were able to fulfill a request for furniture, bedding and clothing because of the generosity of our supporters.
PHILIPPINES - We received $3,000 to cover Can Do Kids Club expenses for January - March 2025, enabling our partners to continue a feeding program.
MALAWI - Because of extra end of the year giving we were able to send $1,000 to help with the CDK feeding program in Malawi.
December 2024
KENYA - We received $5,000 for the Christmas blessing of food and gifts for our sponsored families and 2 orphanages!
PHILIPPINES - We received $5,000 for the Christmas blessing of food and gifts for 500 kids in Philippines Can Do Kids clubs and outreaches.
November 2024
KENYA - We received sponsorship funds for two more water projects. One will support a preschool and dispensary and the other will support a school.
September 2024
MALAWI - Our newest Can Do Kids Club ministry is in Malawi. We had a one time request for $4,000 for an outreach project to help kids in seven different villages. We praise God for those who respond to God’s promptings to give.
August 2024
KENYA - Just before leaving for Ukraine in early August, we prayed specifically with our Kenyan team for a sponsor for a tank because we had gone several months without a project in progress. And … we had received messages from a school where the kids were spending so much time trying to fetch water that they were missing a good part of their school days. While in Ukraine, we were blessed with an anonymous gift that covered this need!
KENYA - We had a very large unexpected financial need when one of our sponsored students miraculously got a US visa to transfer to Webster University in St. Louis, MO. With the support of many generous supporters, we were able to meet her immediate needs. We continue to pray that God will provide for her continued education in the US.
PHILIPPINES - While in Philippines we prayed along with the team for God to provide funding for land adjacent to the Can Do Kids Community Center. They had been praying for 21 years that God would reserve this piece of land for them when the needed it and the need is now. The church had raised a portion of the cost and thanks to God’s amazing provision we were able to help them reach their goal of $25,000!
UKRAINE - God met every need we had in Ukraine - not just financial, but in every way!
July 2024
KENYA - Two of our sponsored kids needed funds to travel in July 2024 to a surgeon who has a free clinic in Eldoret. One student has spina bifida and the other was born with two fingers fused together. Thanks to the undesignated giving of some gracious supporters we were able to send $350 for this to Kenya on July 12.
PHILIPPINES - God provided funds for school supplies for 250 students and helpers who attended Vacation Bible Club - $2,000. God answered again with those who sent an undesignated and unexpected gift at just the right time.
UKRAINE - God provided $3,000 for the Ukraine trip just days before we headed there, so every expense was fully covered! In addition, multiple gifts came in before the August trip to cover the $10,000 we had been praying for to cover the English School building addition.
Handing out school supplies at a village in Tineg, Philippines