Testifying to a God-at-Work
The story of St. Joseph’s tank, donated in memory of Dave Allen
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
Having recently met, fallen in love with and married a Gridley girl, Greg made his way to El Paso, Illinois. Meanwhile, Greg’s parents Dave & Ardyth had recently retired in Portland, Oregon. Looking for where to go next, they were petitioned by Greg and his wife to head to Illinois. Despite Dave and Ardyth’s reservations about trading the West Coast for the Midwest, they decided they would at least give it a try.
Left: Dave & Ardyth at their new home in Illinois.
Right: Dave & Ardyth with their son and his family.
Over a decade later, Dave & Ardyth were immersed in their small town life. Ardyth had a gift for music and found herself actively sharing her skills with her church and community. Among other activities, Dave used his handy skills to help others around town, volunteered at the local youth group and supported the town’s cross country team. Though he was quiet, Dave loved people and was quick to offer wisdom, patient help, a subtle yet witty comment and a listening ear.
A runner himself, he was particularly passionate about his work with the cross country team. To Dave, running was a sport that enhanced the lives of kids and gave them an opportunity to gain confidence in all aspects of their lives. Many kids can look back and remember how Dave would run with them during practice, or after his knees weakened, how he would ride his bike right beside them. It was no surprise that Dave’s steady, side-by-side support made him a grandfatherly mentor figure in the community.
Dave riding bikes with his grandkids.
Dave & the cross country team pose for a picture after a meet.
Through their church, Dave and Ardyth became familiar with Can Do Kids, liking what they saw. Around the time of CDK’s first trips to Kenya, the topics of drought and the water crisis had become a headliner in the news, catching Dave & Ardyth’s attention. It was around this time that the couple decided to become regular supporters of CDK’s work with the water crisis in Kenya.
Unexpectedly, in early March of 2019, Dave passed away. Even if you didn’t know Dave personally, you could see the impact he had left in the community reflecting in the grief of so many people he had quietly stood (or cycled) beside.
Around this time, the CDK team in Kenya got word of Dave’s passing. Yet, with work still to do, they continued to meet with those in need, coming across a desperate plea for a water tank at St. Joseph’s Primary.
Having already been involved with CDK, Dave’s family decided that it was where they would like to donate his memorial fund. With the close timing between Dave’s passing and the need arising for St. Joseph Primary, Dave’s funds were designated to construct the St. Joseph Tank.
This tank serves over 500 students - so it was a sure cause for celebration. You can click through the picture gallery below to see more of the commissioning ceremony, which happened on July 19th, 2019.

Looking back, Dave’s life and legacy testify to a God who is at work in the world. Seen in the support of a friend by your side or the hope found in the gift of clean water, this God-at-work was no doubt working through Dave until He finally brought him home.
If you would like to give in honor of Dave’s legacy or help schools in Kenya receive clean water, please click on the button below.