Peter's Story: Helping His Ukrainian Hometown
We first met Peter when he was about 12 year old. He and his parents, Vadym & Luda Kulynchenko were visiting our church, Community Bible Fellowship of El Paso. Peter didn’t speak much English back then, but we still have some good memories of the first times together with him and his family.
Since then, Peter finished his high school in Ukraine and studied for three years in Texas (one year at a U.S high school and two years in a community college). His goals at the time were simple: learn English and graduate. After finishing his associates degree, he returned in 2021 back to Kamainka, Ukraine, his hometown.
That July, a team from Can Do Kids partnered with Peter’s church, Light of the Gospel, to help with various ministry projects, including hosting a VBS, running an English camp, hosting a mini family camp, helping with construction and starting a library in the church’s English school. Usually, Peter’s father Vadym would coordinate the Ukrainian team’s effort, but with Vadym stuck in the U.S. with VISA issues, this role was given to Peter. Below you can scroll through some pictures of the ministry that took place this summer:

First picture: Opening ceremony of Family Games; second picture: Peter with his group from English Camp; third picture: Peter translates the Bible Lesson for Tom at VBS; fourth picture: Peter rides scooters with Jordan and Joshua Scheuermann in Kyiv.
Peter’s new role
After the ministry of the summer, Peter decided to continue his education online while teaching English at Hanna School in his hometown, Kamainka, Ukraine. Peter had been teaching, studying and going about a busy, yet normal life when he heard the news: Russia had launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
For the first couple days, Peter was utterly shocked. While most Ukrainians had gotten used to the reality of the smaller conflicts in the East, few had considered it would spark into a violent, full-scale invasion. In the early moments, Peter also recalls feeling fear for what this could mean for his family - not just he and his parents, but his small cousins and aging grandparents. However, despite the overwhelming feelings brought on by the war, Peter steadied himself in his faith and began to pray.
Just a few days later, Peter reached the conclusion that for now, his mission would be to get busy helping families, especially the ones who were already living in poverty before the invasion. His current goal is to be able to help 100 families with food and other basic supplies. Unlike many of these families, Peter has access to a car (a luxury in rural Ukraine) and support from friends in the U.S. Below are a few of the families Peter has helped so far.
Peter’s total financial needs to support these families is $7,500. He has already raised $4,000 but needs the remaining $3,5o0. If you would like to help Peter reach his goal you can click on the button below. However, please note that the purpose is “Peter/Ukraine.”
How Peter Has Seen God at Work in This Difficult Situation
Through this difficult and extremely uncertain situation, one thing has been clear for Peter: the hand of God. One of the first times Peter noticed the caring hand of God was when he was in conversation with his uncle Yura. Yura has a wife and three children and is one of the pastors at the Light of the Gospel church. In conversation with his uncle, Peter found out that he was worried about being able to provide for his family. Peter asked him how much he had, which was about $20.00. But what Yura needed to pay the remaining bills was almost $300.00. The situation seemed desperate to Yura, but not to Peter.
Peter had just been given exactly $300.00 by a friend he had made while studying in the US. Peter didn’t hesitate to give his uncle the $300.00. For Peter, this was a big reminder of God’s perfect care and provision.
Another place Peter saw God at work was in a chilling phone call from his friend Vlad. Vlad is not a follower of Jesus. When Peter received the call, these were Vlad’s words: “Peter, I’m ****ed. They sent us to the front lines of the battle. Please PRAY for me.” Peter shared these words with friends who prayed with him for Vlad.
A few days later, we got a message from Peter that Vlad is still alive - in more ways than one. In addition to saving Vlad on the battle field, God allowed Peter to talk again to Vlad, this time sharing the hope of Jesus. Softened by his recent experience, Vlad decided to repent and follow Jesus! Praise God for transforming what could have been an earthly death into a situation to find eternal life!
In addition to these present acts of God’s provision and even salvation, Peter can see how God was also at work in the past. A few years ago, when Peter studied abroad, his main goals were simply to learn English and graduate. But God had much bigger plans for this time overseas. By gaining fluency in English and making connections through his work, church and school, Peter had gained a lot of valuable assets. Because of these assets, Peter has been able to play a much larger and more active role supporting his community than he could have without the skills and connections gained abroad.
Of course, it has been difficult for Peter seeing poor families struggle even more. It has been hard for him to watch his best friend say goodbye to his wife & newborn, not knowing when they would see each other again. It’s hard imagining what the future will be like when these are the current conditions. But when I (Kayley) asked Peter what he thought about the future, I found that he had a very encouraging perspective.
Peter said that he has never really been one to be caught up in the future, because He knows God will lead him. And based on what’s happened in Peter’s life the last few years, I would say that’s exactly what has happened! Peter, like millions of other Ukrainians, is not walking and easy road. But no matter where he goes, one things is clear: God is with him.
• Pray for continued wisdom as he serves his community
• Pray for his financial needs to be met
• Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with the families he serves
• Pray for the one of the families Peter works with: a widow named Natalia and her grandson, who both have cancer. Pray for supernatural healing.
• Pray for protection against the enemy; not just Putin but spiritual forces as well.