My name is Samuel Nderu Gitau. I am 23 years old. I was born on July 27th, 2000. I completed my high school education and live with my parents and five siblings. It is very difficult to find employment for young men like me. My parents are not stable financially which has led to problems of having food to put on the table, having money to pay student fees, as well as clothing. My mother is a peasant farmer and depends on casual labor, which is not a guarantee for work/income on a daily basis. My father struggles with alcoholism.
My family lives in a one bedroom house where my parents have no choice but to share their bedroom with my siblings. The beds and beddings are not in a good condition. When I was in school I faced a lot of challenges due to unsettled tuition fees and was forced to be away from school most of the time. My family has experienced uncountable challenges in life but we are always hopeful that God will provide assistance through His people. I wish to be able to put a smile on my parents face in the future and change the current situation at home by attending college and securing a job that can provide for my family in the future.